The Statutes of the Order of Malta were compiled anew in 1776; they are still valid as subsidiary. Micallef, a Maltese Conventual Chaplain of the Order and professor at the Order's University of Malta, delivered lectures on the Statutes which were printed in a very limited number in 1791.
Edited in English is included with the lectures' text .a brief history of the Order and of the University together with a short biography on Micallef; in appendix: the present Constitution and Code of the Order.
Umfang: 261 S.
Preis: €37.00 | £34.00 | $65.00
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Galea, M et al. (eds.) 2012. Lectures on the Statutes of the Sacred Order of St. John of Jerusalem : at the University (of Studies) of Malta 1792. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 23. November 2012
Paperback | 978-3-86644-402-7 |