Parallel transmission enables control of the RF field in high-field Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). However, the approach has also caused concerns about the specific absorption rate (SAR) in the patient body. The present work provides new concepts for SAR prediction. A novel approach for generating human body models is proposed, based on a water-fat separated MRI pre-scan. Furthermore, this work explores various approaches for SAR reduction.
Umfang: VIII, 124 S.
Preis: €37.00 | £34.00 | $65.00
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Homann, H. 2012. SAR Prediction and SAR Management for Parallel Transmit MRI. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Dieses Buch ist Peer reviewed. Informationen dazu finden Sie hier
Veröffentlicht am 19. März 2012
Paperback | 978-3-86644-800-1 |