This work provides methods to measure and analyze features of atrial electrograms - especially complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAEs) - mathematically. Automated classification of CFAEs into clinical meaningful classes is applied and the newly gained electrogram information is visualized on patient specific 3D models of the atria. Clinical applications of the presented methods showed that quantitative measures of CFAEs reveal beneficial information about the underlying arrhythmia.
Umfang: VI, 214 S.
Preis: €47.00 | £43.00 | $83.00
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Schilling, C. 2012. Analysis of Atrial Electrograms. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 16. November 2012
Paperback | 978-3-86644-894-0 |