This work presents a method to detect and classify varnish defects on wood surfaces. Since these defects are only partially visible under certain illumination directions, one image doesn't provide enough information for a recognition task. A classification requires inspecting the surface under different illumination directions, which results in image series. The information is distributed along this series and can be extracted by merging the knowledge about the defect shape and light direction.
Umfang: 158 S.
Preis: €32.50 | £30.00 | $57.00
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Pérez Grassi, A. 2010. Variable illumination and invariant features for detecting and classifying varnish defects. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 6. September 2010
Paperback | 978-3-86644-537-6 |