The book describes the hydraulic design and environmental impact prediction technologies for such installations. Focus are the hydrodynamics approached by computer models.
First, a multiport diffuser design program was developed.
Second, two model systems for discharge analysis, CORMIX for the near-field and intermediate-field and Delft3D for the far-field were coupled, and third a regulatory procedure is proposed to license and monitor outfall installations.
Umfang: 219 S.
Preis: €34.90 | £32.00 | $62.00
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Bleninger, T. 2007. Coupled 3D hydrodynamic models for submarine outfalls. Denvironmental hydraulic design and control of multiport diffusers. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 4. Juni 2007
Paperback | 978-3-86644-160-6 |