Anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste as such or together with food waste, press water or patatoes sludge was investigated to equilibrate methane production within a day or over the weekend, when no OFMSW was available. A stable co-digestion process could be achieved with COD degradation between 60 and 80 %. The max. organic loading rates were 28 kg COD/L,d. For stable methane production the OLR during Co-digestion should not excede 22,5 kg/L,d.
Umfang: XIV, 131 S.
Preis: €27.50 | £25.00 | $49.00
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Nayono, S. 2010. Anaerobic digestion of organic solid waste for energy production. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 15. April 2010
Paperback | 978-3-86644-464-5 |