In this work we explore the Floquet theory for evolution equations of the form u'(t)+A_t u(t)=0 (t real) where the operators A_t periodically depend on t and the function u takes values in a UMD Banach space X.
We impose a suitable condition on the operator family (A_t) and their common domain, in particular a decay condition for certain resolvents, to obtain the central result that all exponentially bounded solutions can be described as a superposition of a fixed family of Floquet solutions.
Umfang: IV, 130 S.
Preis: €25.50 | £24.00 | $45.00
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Gauss, T. 2010. Floquet Theory for a Class of Periodic Evolution Equations in an Lp-Setting. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 15. Oktober 2010
Paperback | 978-3-86644-542-0 |