Magnetic molecules have attracted lots of interest. In this work, an ultra-stable and low noise scanning tunneling microscopy operating at 400 mK using He-3 (930 mK using He-4) has been developed. The magnetic behavior of different magnetic molecules on substrates, especially the exchange interaction between the magnetic ions, the magnetic anisotropy on the surface, the magnetic excitations as well as the Kondo effect, were studied by using STM.
Umfang: II, 100 S.
Preis: €40.00 | £37.00 | $70.00
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Zhang, L. 2019. Sub-Kelvin scanning tunneling microscopy on magnetic molecules. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 5. Juli 2019
Paperback | 978-3-86644-950-3 |