The 17th International Workshop on Ceramic Breeder Blanket Interaction was held in Barcelona, Spain, on September, 12-14, 2013, as a satellite meeting of the 11th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-11). The CBBI-17 provided a forum of specialists involved in the design, research, development and testing of materials and components for lithium ceramic based breeding blankets. The proceedings summarize the presentations and the topical discussions of the workshop.
Umfang: 343 S.
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Ibarra, A et al. (eds.) 2014. Proceedings of the 17th IEA International Workshop on Ceramic Breeder Blanket Interactions (CBBl-17), September 12-14, 2013, Barcelona, Spain. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 27. Januar 2014
Paperback | 978-3-7315-0101-5 |