This book is a contribution to the further development of gradient plasticity. Several open questions are addressed, where the efficient numerical implementation is particularly focused on. The book inspects an equivalent plastic strain gradient plasticity theory and a grain boundary yield model. Experiments can successfully be reproduced. The hardening model is based on dislocation densities evolving according to partial differential equations taking into account dislocation transport.
This book is a contribution to the further development of gradient plasticity. Several open questions are addressed, where the efficient numerical implementation is particularly focused on. Thebook inspects an equivalent plastic strain gradient plasticity theory and a grain boundary yield model. Experiments can successfully be reproduced. The hardening model is based on dislocation densities evolving according to partial differential equations taking into account dislocation transport.
Umfang: XIII, 260 S.
Preis: €45.00 | £41.00 | $79.00
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Wulfinghoff, S. 2014. Numerically Efficient Gradient Crystal Plasticity with a Grain Boundary Yield Criterion and Dislocation-based Work-Hardening. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
Dieses Buch ist lizenziert unter Creative Commons Attribution + ShareAlike 3.0 DE Dedication
Dieses Buch ist Peer reviewed. Informationen dazu finden Sie hier
Veröffentlicht am 10. Dezember 2014
Paperback | 978-3-7315-0245-6 |