The main objective of this book is to analyse and detect small changes in ECG waves and complexes that indicate cardiac diseases and disorders. Detecting predisposition to Torsade de Points (TDP) by analysing the beat-to-beat variability in T wave morphology is the main core of this work. The second main topic is detecting small changes in QRS complex and predicting future QRS complexes of patients. Moreover, the last main topic is clustering similar ECG components in different groups.
Umfang: 214
Preis: €46.50 | £43.00 | $82.00
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Khawaja, A. 2007. Automatic ECG analysis using principal component analysis and wavelet transformation. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 24. Mai 2007
Paperback | 978-3-86644-132-3 |