The QUENCH experiments are to investigate the hydrogen release resulting from the water injection into an uncovered core of a Light Water Reactor as well as the high-temperature behavior of core materials. The QUENCH-14 experiment investigated the effect of M5® cladding material on bundle oxidation and core reflood, in comparison with the tests QUENCH-06 that used standard Zircaloy-4 and QUENCH-12 that used VVER E110-claddings.
Umfang: XII, 164 S.
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Stuckert, J et al. 2010. Results of Severe Fuel Damage Experiment QUENCH-14 with Advanced Rod Cladding M5®.. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 16. August 2010
Paperback | 978-3-86644-535-2 |