The intuitive understanding of contact bodies is based on the geometry and adjoining surfaces. A powerful approach to solve the contact problem is to take advantage of the geometry of an analyzed object and describe the problem in the best coordinate system. This book is a systematical analysis of geometrical situations leading to contact pairs: suface-to-surface, curve-to-surface, point-to-surface a.s.o. resultingin the corresponding computational algorithms to solve the contact problem.
Umfang: XIX, 516 S.
Preis: €77.50 | £71.00 | $136.00
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Konyukhov, A. 2011. Geometrically exact theory for contact interactions. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 14. Juli 2011
Paperback | 978-3-86644-672-4 |