Syntaxial overgrowth cementation, and thereby reservoir quality, can be affected by grain coating phases inhibiting nucleation. Reaction kinetics provide a means to model the development of cement phases over time. Additional algorithms constraining compaction behavior, porosity, and permeability development are used to model reservoir quality. Sub-vertical deformation bands can compartmentalize reservoirs by impacting bed-parallel permeability and preserve geochemical alterations.
Umfang: XI, 140 S.
Preis: €43.00 | £40.00 | $76.00
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Busch, B. 2017. Impact of grain coats on quartz overgrowth and Reservoir properties. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 28. Juli 2017
Paperback | 978-3-7315-0666-9 |