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  • Spectral imaging in process analytics usingchemometrics and first principles

    S. Luckow-Markward, E. Ostertag, B. Boldrini, W. Kessler, R. W. Kessler

    Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Längle, T et al. 2013. OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings.


    Optical spectroscopy is able to detect not only the
    chemical composition of the species by their wavelength specific
    absorption k but also the morphological feature through their
    wavelength dependent scattering s. In standard multivariate data
    analysis in hyperspectral imaging, the focus of the chemometric
    treatment of the data cube is given on the suppression of the unwanted
    perturbation of multiple scatter of photons. This paper
    describes an approach how to separate the morphological information
    s (scatter) from the chemical information k (absorption)
    using the radiative transfer equation or Kubelka Munk theory.
    When this “first principle spectroscopy” is integrated into most
    modern multivariate data analysis like multivariate curve resolution
    (MCR), causality is obtained between the spectral data and
    response variables like the concentration of an active pharmaceutical
    ingredient in a tablet. With this approach, the spatially resolved
    calculated k- and s-distribution of an aspirin particle in
    cellactose is shown. The optical set up for real life spectral imaging
    in industry is discussed and examples of spectral images to
    control the thickness of thin films on metals, the distribution of
    a resin on a wood chip and the differentiation of hard and soft
    maize kernels are shown.


    Empfohlene Zitierweise für das Kapitel/den Beitrag
    Luckow-Markward, S et al. 2013. Spectral imaging in process analytics usingchemometrics and first principles. In: Längle, T et al (eds.), OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58895/ksp/1000032143-1

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    Veröffentlicht am 6. März 2013
