Detection of non-metallic impurities anddefects through radar measurements
Dirk Nüssler, Christian Krebs, Ralf Brauns
Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Längle, T et al. 2013. OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings.
Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Längle, T et al. 2013. OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings.
The detection of non-metallic impurities and defects
during the production of food is a critical task for every inspection
system. Through recall campaigns caused by the contamination
of food during the production process can corrupt the good
reputation of companies for a long time. To minimize the risk a
huge number of sensor technologies is implemented. The spectrum
of sensors starts from the optical region over sensors in the
infrared region to x-ray systems. The main disadvantage of most
of the systems is the inability to detect non-metallic contaminations
inside a product. The paper describes the possibilities of
modern radar systems to fulfill these tasks.
Nüssler, D et al. 2013. Detection of non-metallic impurities anddefects through radar measurements. In: Längle, T et al (eds.), OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI:
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Veröffentlicht am 6. März 2013