A framework for storage, visualization andanalysis of multispectral data
Stephan Irgenfried, Christian Negara
Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Längle, T et al. 2013. OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings.
Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Längle, T et al. 2013. OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings.
In this paper we describe our database centered workflow
for acquisition, enrichment, long-term storage and webbased
analysis of multi- and hyperspectral image data and measurement
metadata. We propose a standardized way of storing
large amounts of measurement data using a hybrid approach consisting
of a relational database and direct file access through a
common data access layer. Data import and export is performed
by either using proprietary file formats like ENVI or by using an
universal XML-based data format. To allow preview and analysis
of image data, a web-based application has been developed
which supersedes the need for client-side installation of tools
like MATLAB to perform spectral or spatial analysis of the data
while still allowing third-party applications to retrieve data from
the database to perform in-depth analysis like automated filter
design. Successful implementation of the workflow is demonstrated
by the example of rapid application development for mineral
Irgenfried S. & Negara C. 2013. A framework for storage, visualization andanalysis of multispectral data. In: Längle, T et al (eds.), OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58895/ksp/1000032143-19
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Veröffentlicht am 6. März 2013