NIR-SWIR-Hyperspectral-Imaging supported
surface analysis for the recovery of waste wood
Frank Hollstein,
Enrico Pigorsch,
Burkhard Plinke,
Markus Wohllebe,
Peter Meinlschmidt
Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Längle, T et al. 2017. OCM 2017 – 3rd International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials, March 22nd – 23rd, 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany : Conference Proceedings.
Cascading of waste wood requires a concept for recovery of solid timbers from deconstruction as a source of clean
and reliable secondary feedstock for new wood and wood-based
products. An essential requirement for the re-use of wood is a
sufficient quality of the near-surface areas that must be free of
contaminations like coatings or any wood preservatives. Due
to the absence of industrial established automatic testing and
sorting methods the possible potential for material re-use of recovered wood in the sense of cascading is not utilized so far.
Hyperspectral-Imaging (HSI) is a promising method to improve
the situation. In the study on hand results according to detection accuracy and limitations of NIR-SWIR-HSI are presented.
As input material solid waste wood (e.g. different kinds of hard
wood, soft wood, wood with paint or other coatings, particle
boards, and medium density fibreboards) obtained from deconstructions is considered. First, the spectral structures of some
different kinds of wood and contamination are examined. Desired are the so-called fingerprints according to significant characteristics in the spectra. The results have been incorporated in
a database as training set. For classification tasks some decision trees based on PLS-DA (Partial Least Squares Discriminant
Analysis) were exploited. These decision trees are then passed
to an industrial NIR-SWIR-Hyperspectral-Imager for generating
chemical images of the contaminated wood samples. Results of some sorting experiments are presented. The aim of the
tests was to find the limits for sorting throughput and purity.
The tests revealed that the spectral differences are mostly large
enough for automatic wood classification and sorting operations
even at presence of inorganic wood preservatives. In this case
the detectability and accuracy of classification depends much on
preservative concentrations.