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  • Efficient Ego Lane Detection for Various LaneTypes

    Rebekka Charlotte Peter, Yuduo Song, Martin Lauer

    Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Heizmann M. & Längle T. 2020. Forum Bildverarbeitung 2020.


    In this work, we present an ego lane detector designed
    for the use in automotive vision systems for personal
    light electric vehicles like electric bicycles, tricycles or scooters.
    The approach is based on a combination of gradientbased
    line detection, color-based segmentation and geometrical
    rules, making the ego lane detector fast, but also robust
    to different scenes, including curves. Qualitative evaluation
    on over fifty traffic scenes show that the lane detector is able
    to find a suitable approximation of the road area with an IoU
    of 75.71%.


    Empfohlene Zitierweise für das Kapitel/den Beitrag
    Peter, R et al. 2020. Efficient Ego Lane Detection for Various LaneTypes. In: Heizmann M. & Längle T (eds.), Forum Bildverarbeitung 2020. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58895/ksp/1000124383-33

    This chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution + ShareAlike 4.0 license. Copyright is retained by the author(s)

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    Veröffentlicht am 25. November 2020
