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  • Inline HSI food inspection and concentrationmeasurements of pharmaceuticals – a reportfrom an industrial environment

    M. Kerschhaggl, W. Märzinger, E. Leitner, N. Haar, M. Zangl, M. Jeindl, P. Kerschhaggl

    Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Längle, T et al. 2013. OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings.


    Current food diagnostic measurement techniques tend
    to suffer from unreliable chemometric quantification and poor
    spatial resolution. Chemical components in food such as sugar,
    fat,water and dry substance are today inferred from destructive,
    lab based, techniques that measure chemical composition
    albeit with limited statistical accuracy and insufficient precision
    for food quality monitoring. Technologies such as NIR hyperspectral
    imaging (HSI) and FTNIR offer the potential for accurate,
    fast and efficient evaluation of chemical components accurately
    over the whole food production cycle. In this regard, the
    disentanglement of spectral endmembers from a mixed detector
    response due to background and multiple chemical constituents
    is both crucial and scientifically challenging for a reliable signal
    detection in terms of illumination technique, data pre-processing
    and multivariate analysis. In this talk various inline applications
    employing NIR hyperspectral imaging using the HELIOS
    camera system will be presented, including examples and results
    from a prototype project in pharmaceuticals and a joint study in
    which HSI quantitative analysis of chemical concentration gradients
    found in potatoes and wheat grains are discussed.


    Empfohlene Zitierweise für das Kapitel/den Beitrag
    Kerschhaggl, M et al. 2013. Inline HSI food inspection and concentrationmeasurements of pharmaceuticals – a reportfrom an industrial environment. In: Längle, T et al (eds.), OCM 2013 – Optical Characterization of Materials – conference proceedings. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58895/ksp/1000032143-13

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    Veröffentlicht am 6. März 2013
