Simultaneous detection of melamine and urea
in gluten with a handheld NIR scanner
Zoltan Kovacs,
George Bazar,
Behafarid Darvish,
Frederik Nieuwenhuijs,
Isabel Hoffmann
Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Längle, T et al. 2017. OCM 2017 – 3rd International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials, March 22nd – 23rd, 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany : Conference Proceedings.
The standard analytical methods for the determination
of total protein content, which is an important measure of quality in many food products, can be easily miss leaded by adding
nitrogen deriving from different source driving to serious adulteration of the various foods. Therefore, there is an immense
need to develop rapid method to detect multiple adulterations
with handheld instruments. The objective of the present work
is to develop multivariate models for simultaneous prediction of
melamine and urea in wheat gluten samples with a handheld
NIR scanner. Wheat gluten samples from ten different manufacturers from different part of the world were mixed with
melamine and urea in different ratios to provide a robust enough
sample set for spectral data acquisition. In spite of the natural
separation based on the geographical origin of the gluten samples it was possible to build accurate models for simultaneous
quantification of common food adulterants, melamine and urea,
in multiple mixtures of gluten. The results show Tellspec Enterprise Food Sensor as a rapid, cost effective and user friendly
tool can be used for the determination of melamine and urea
adulteration in wheat gluten down to 1 % concentration.