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  • THz imaging for recycling of black plastics

    Andries Küter, Stefan Reible, Thomas Geibig, Dirk Nüssler, Nils Pohl

    Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Längle, T et al. 2017. OCM 2017 – 3rd International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials, March 22nd – 23rd, 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany : Conference Proceedings.


    This paper presents the development of a novel linecamera device in the THz-domain which is capable of measuring minute differences in broadband spectral fingerprints of nonconducting materials. The primary focus is sorting black plastics in industrial recycling contexts, where large scale sorting of different types of black plastics remains a challenge. The system operates from 84 GHz to 96 GHz. As the relevant plastics exhibit no specific absorption lines in this frequency range, a broadband approach is necessary to accumulate slight differences in dielectric properties into enough entropy that a machine learning algorithm can be trained to differentiate between different materials even in the presence of contaminants such as flame retardants, color pigments and dirt. Preliminary results suggest that the blackValue® THz sensor system is capable of achieving these goals.


    Empfohlene Zitierweise für das Kapitel/den Beitrag
    Küter, A et al. 2017. THz imaging for recycling of black plastics. In: Längle, T et al (eds.), OCM 2017 – 3rd International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials, March 22nd – 23rd, 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany : Conference Proceedings. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58895/ksp/1000063696-21

    This chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution + ShareAlike 4.0 license. Copyright is retained by the author(s)

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    Veröffentlicht am 24. März 2017
