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    Interesse beim KIT-Verlag zu publizieren? Informationen für Autorinnen und Autoren


    KIT Scientific Publishing is the scientific university press of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for quality-controlled publications. The university press is part of the KIT Library's Publication and Media Services Department and offers a contemporary open access publishing service for the publication of KIT's own writings. Detailed information on the publishing profile and publishing concept can be found here.

    Peer Review

    As an academic publisher, KIT Scientific Publishing attaches particular importance to the high quality of the scientific works it publishes. All publications by KIT Scientific Publishing therefore have undergone a thorough peer review process.

    Since KIT Scientific Publishing exclusively publishes titles from researchers affiliated toKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and they pledge to adhere to the Rules for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice at KIT, all publications already have a fundamental scientific quality. The peer review of our publications is executed by the academic community which is also in charge of assigning external reviewers when it comes to single monographs. Monograph series, on the other hand, are edited in close cooperation with the editors of the series. In this case the editor selects which manuscripts fulfil the series quality requirements and thus may appear in the book series. Monographs which are not published within a series and have not yet been reviewed, the peer review is guaranteed by KITScientific Publishing through external reviewers. Our experts shall use a transparent evaluation system and retain their independence as examiners. This shall also include unprejudiced evaluation.

    KIT Scientific Publishing reserves the right to reject publication proposals from authors where the quality of the publication can not be assured.