''Shared Grasping'' describes a new approach to shared autonomy for grasping and manipulation tasks to be used in a telepresence system. It is realized with two assistance functionalities, which simplify the grasping, and a user interface, which merges haptic feedback and visual assistance. User studies confirm a reduction in operator workload and an increase in task performance while maintaining a high immersion of the operator into the remote environment when using the assistance functions.
Umfang: X, 227 S.
Preis: €54.00 | £50.00 | $95.00
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Hertkorn, K. 2016. Shared Grasping: a Combination of Telepresence and Grasp Planning. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5445/KSP/1000047718
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Veröffentlicht am 29. April 2016
Paperback | 978-3-7315-0402-3 |