ISSN 1862-8893
The Social Cloud framework leverages existing relationships between members of a social network for the exchange of resources. This thesis focuses on the design of coordination mechanisms to address two challenges in this scenario. In the first part, user participation incentives are studied. In the second part, heuristics for two-sided matching-based resource allocation are designed and evaluated.
Umfang: XVI, 281 S.
Preis: €56.00 | £51.00 | $98.00
The fundamental paradigm shift from traditional value chains to agile service value networks (SVN) implies new economic and organizational challenges. This work provides an auction-based coordination mechanism that enables the allocation and pricing of service compositions in SVNs. The mechanism is multidimensional incentive compatible and implements an ex-post service level enforcement. Further extensions of the mechanism are evaluated following analytical and numerical research methods.
Umfang: XIV, 242 S.
Preis: €53.00 | £49.00 | $93.00
The research program Information Management and Market Engineering focuses on the analysis and the design of electronic markets. Taking a holistic view of the conceptualization and realization of solutions, the research integrates the disciplines business administration, economics, computer science, and law. Topics of interest range from the implementation, quality assurance, and advancement of electronic markets to their integration into business processes and legal frameworks.
Umfang: XI, 260 S.
Preis: €32.50 | £30.00 | $57.00
With the advent of digital convergence, incumbent telephone and cable companies have begun to offer their services, such as voice telephony, Internet and TV in so-called triple play packages. While carefully recognizing the technological, legal and economic framework of the fixed-line telecommunications industry, this book investigates whether bundling is indeed a profitable pricing strategy for the firms and if it can possibly facilitate the leverage of market power into neighboring markets.
Umfang: XII, 189 S.
Preis: €36.50 | £34.00 | $64.00
Elektronische Märkte haben in den letzten Jahren in vielen Bereichen auch des täglichen Lebens zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Um im Konkurrenzkampf bestehen zu können, sind die Anbieter elektronischer Marktplätze wie Ebay oder die Deutsche Börse gezweungen bestehende Märkte zu verbessern und neue Marktformen zu entwickeln. Ein wichtiger Teil dieses Market-Engineering-Prozesses beseht aus der abschließenden Analyse und Evaluation neu erstellter oder veränderter Märkte- Eine etablierte Untersuchungsmethodik neben der theoretischen Betrachtung und Simulationen stellen dabei Laborexperimente dar.
Dieses Buch stellt ein Experimentalsystem vor, mit dem Laborexperimente im Marktumfeld schnell und einfach entworfen, konfiguriert und durchgeführt werden können. Mit Hilfe dieses Experimentalsystems wird anschließend untersucht, welchen Einfluss die Benutzungsoberfläche eines Handelssystems auf das Verhalten der Matrktteilnehmer und damit auch auf das Marktergebnis haben kann.
Umfang: X, 284 S.
Preis: €39.50 | £36.00 | $70.00
This book presents an interdisciplinary approach drawing from the fields of computer science, economics, and law to realize dynamic and flexible Web service markets. It thereby addresses technical issues such as the functional and non-functional description of Web services, economic questions like selecting the right service at an acceptable price, and legal problems dealing with automated contract conclusion and interpretation.
Umfang: XVI, 244 S.
Preis: €39.90 | £37.00 | $70.00
In this book, the author provides a complete process for electronic markets design together with the required en-gineering methods. As such the book is unique applying tech-niques from engineering design to modern Information Systems and Economics. Mr. Neumann succeeds in presenting a generic but coherent approach that is an indispensable aid in designing markets.
Umfang: X, 280 S.
Preis: €54.50 | £50.00 | $96.00
The Grid provides access to distributed computational capabilities such as processors or storage space. One of the key problems is deciding which jobs are to be allocated to which resources at what time.
In this context, the use of market mechanisms is a promising approach to solve these problems. This book proposes an auction mechanism for allocating computer resources which have multiple quality attributes and time constraints.
The auction is evaluated by means of a numerical simulation.
Umfang: XIV, 196 S.
Preis: €42.90 | £39.00 | $76.00
Auf den meisten Wertpapiermärkten stehen Investoren Limit und Market Orders zur Verfügung. Mit der Wahl eines Ordertyps entscheidet ein Investor, ob er das Risiko einer Nichtausführung eingeht oder ob er eine zuverlässige Ausführung wünscht und hierfür implizit eine erhöhte Liquiditätsprämie entrichtet. Somit besteht ein Zielkonflikt zwischen Nichtausführungsrisiko und Liquiditätsprämie.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei innovative Ordertypen gestaltet und analysiert, die zu einem Ausgleich in diesem Zielkonflikt führen. Das Design dieser Ordertypen erfolgt unter Rückgriff auf aktuelle Entwicklungen sowie den state-of-the-art im elektronischen Wertpapierhandel.
Umfang: X, 202 S.
Preis: €62.90 | £58.00 | $111.00
The research program "Information Management and Market Engineering" focuses on the analysis and the design of electronic markets. Taking a holistic view of the conceptualization and realization of solutions, the research integrates the disciplines business administration, economics, computer science, and law. Topics of interest range from the implementation, quality assurance, and further development of electronic markets to their integration into business processes, innovative business models, and legal frameworks.
Umfang: X, 206 S.
Preis: €41.90 | £39.00 | $74.00