Diese Arbeit untersucht systematisch fühlbare Reizunterschiede von harmonischen und transienten Schwingungen, die Merkmale von transienten Schwingungen und die multisensorische Wahrnehmung im fühlbaren Frequenzbereich sowie deren Wechselwirkung zu einer akustischen Umgebung. Die Untersuchungen werden vorwiegend auf einem Fahrkomfort-Simulator mit Hilfe von zahlreichen Probandenstudien durchgeführt. Fahrversuche in Testfahrzeugen dienen zusätzlich zur Validierung der Ergebnisse.
This study inquires into just noticeable differences in the stimulus between harmonic and transient vibrations, the properties and effects of transient vibrations, multi-sensory perception in the tactile frequency domain, as well as their interactions in an acoustic environment. The investigations are carried out predominantly on a ride comfort simulator with the help of numerous trials on human participants. Driving tests done using real test vehicles also serve to validate the results.
Umfang: XI, 183 S.
Preis: 35.00 €
Dieses Buch stellt ein Framework für nutzerorientiertes Demand Response in Gebäuden mit verteilten Energiequellen vor. Mithilfe modellprädiktiver Regelung optimiert es den Betrieb einer Wärmepumpe und integriert PV, Batterien sowie thermische Nutzerzufriedenheit. Ergebnisse zeigen über 20 % Kosteneinsparung bei verbesserter thermischer Zufriedenheit. Die Integration von PV reduziert die Kosten um über 50 %. Das Framework bietet einen praktischen, datengetriebenen Ansatz für effiziente Gebäude.
This book introduces a framework for occupant-oriented demand response in residential buildings with distributed energy sources. Using model predictive control, it optimizes heat pump operation while integrating PV, batteries, and occupants’ thermal satisfaction. Results show over 20% cost savings and enhanced thermal satisfaction. PV integration further reduces costs by over 50%. The framework provides a practical, data-driven approach for versatile, energy-efficient building solutions.
Umfang: XIII, 107 S.
Preis: 33.00 €
In dieser Arbeit werden Störungen und Dispositionen im ÖPNV mit unterschiedlichen Methoden untersucht. Es werden Interviews und Beobachtungen innerhalb von Leitstellen durchgeführt sowie Daten aus dem ITCS ausgewertet. Daraus werden Einflussfaktoren auf die Disposition des öffentlichen Verkehrs abgeleitet. Wesentliche Erkenntnis hieraus ist, dass die Interaktion mit dem MIV einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Verlässlichkeit des ÖPNV hat.
In this work, disruptions and dispositions in public transport are analysed using different methods. Interviews and observations are conducted within control centres and data from the ITCS is analysed. From this, influencing factors on the scheduling of public transport are derived. The main finding is that the interaction with motorised private transport has a decisive influence on the reliability of public transport.
Umfang: XI, 231 S.
Preis: 42.00 €
Kaltgewalztes Wolfram mit hohen Umformgraden zeigt eine außergewöhnlich hohe Duktilität. Die dafür nötige ultrafeinkörnige Mikrostruktur ist jedoch thermisch hochgradig instabil. Ein vielversprechender Stabilisierungsansatz bietet sich durch Kalium-Dotierung an, deren Potential im Rahmen dieser Arbeit umfassend analysiert und qualifiziert wurde. K-dotiertes Wolfram könnte die technischen Möglichkeiten thermisch hochbelasteter Komponenten zukünftiger Fusionsreaktoren entscheidend verbessern.
Cold-rolled tungsten with high degrees of deformation exhibits exceptionally high ductility. However, the required ultra-fine-grained microstructure is thermally unstable. A promising stabilization approach is offered by potassium doping, the potential of which was comprehensively analyzed and qualified as part of this work. K-doped tungsten could significantly improve the technical possibilities for components of future fusion reactors under heavy thermal loads.
Umfang: XXIV, 348 S.
Preis: 48.00 €
Zur Erfüllung gesetzlicher Anforderungen können konventionelle Antriebe durch Einsatz elektrischer Hybridsysteme hinsichtlich ihrer Effizienz verbessert werden. Autark-Hybridsysteme ohne externe Lademöglichkeit können durch ein hohes Nutzen/Aufwand-Verhältnis überzeugen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methode vorgestellt, um Autark-Hybridsysteme optimal auszulegen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf einer umfassenden Betrachtung von Randbedingungen im Kundenbetrieb.
In order to meet the legal requirements, the efficiency of conventional drives can be improved by using electric hybrid systems. Autarkic hybrid systems without external charging options can offer a high cost/benefit ratio. In this work, a method is presented to optimally design autarkic hybrid drive systems. The focus is on a comprehensive consideration of the boundary conditions in customer operation.
Umfang: XI, 219 S.
Preis: 34.00 €
Die Erfassung und Analyse individueller Erlebniswelten über digitale Feedback-Kommunikation bietet neue Chancen. In Verbindung mit der Rekonstruktion zugehöriger, digitaler Ereignisketten lassen sich Erlebniswelten eines Kunden nachbilden. Die Daten dieser Erlebniswelt können so einem Managementprozess zugeführt werden. Zur wirtschaftlichen Nutzung der entstehenden Datenmenge für Experience Management benötigen Unternehmen referenzierbare Modelle und IT-Architekturen.
Umfang: XVIII, 177 S.
Preis: 49.00 €
Intraoperative Gamma Cameras are becoming increasingly common for radio-guided surgery. Coded Aperture Imaging has been proposed as a collimation technique, because it offers a better trade-off between sensitivity and spatial resolution, but requires image reconstruction. Therefore, a Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network was developed and quantitatively compared with analytical methods. Furthermore, 3D-localization of point-like sources was investigated.
Umfang: XIV, 190 S.
Preis: 41.00 €
The focus of this work is on human driving behavior in road traffic. Two aspects of it are covered, the prediction of it, including the identification of relevant influencing factors, as well as the behavior generation for autonomous vehicles.
The behavior prediction is based on a field study during which participants drove a measurement vehicle through inner-city traffic. Using the driven trajectories and lidar recordings complexity features to describe the surroundings at the intersection, the traffic there and the driving path are defined. The driving behavior is characterized by further features. Based on the complexity features regression models are trained to predict the behavior features. For that, linear regression, random forest and gradient boosting machine are utilized. Different complexity feature sets, including ones that are reduced with the help of an autoencoder, are used for prediction. The results show that the driving behavior can be predicted reliably. However, when using complexity feature sets with only few features the prediction performance is reduced.
In order to obtain a complexity score that is in line with human perception of complexity, an online study using videos of approaches to intersections was conducted. In pairwise comparisons participants were asked to identify the more complex situation. From that data complexity scores for the intersection passes included in the study are calculated. Several methods are used to assign these scores to the runs of the original field study. Behavior regression models are trained using these assigned complexity scores. The results show that behavior prediction with the complexity scores is possible, however, most variants require to also consider the turning direction as a second feature.
The behavior generation for decision-making at T-intersections is based on a discrete event system (DES). For it, several features are used to define events that describe the status of the decision-making process at the intersection. The events trigger the transitions between the states of the DES. All states are associated with either offensive or defensive driving behavior, which is implemented using the intelligent driver model. The algorithm is validated with a simulation framework. Using a generic map and several real maps, the decision-making model is simulated 14400 times while interacting with further cooperation vehicles. None of these runs resulted in a collision involving the vehicle running the algorithm and the times to pass the intersection can be explained by the numbers of cooperation vehicles and the intersection layouts. Further simulations are used to investigate the influence of limited visibility at the intersections on the model.
Umfang: XVII, 195 S.
Preis: 39.00 €
Distributed usage control allows to regulate the use of data even after sharing. However, existing solutions are susceptible to manipulation by dishonest data receivers. This work investigates the use of trusted computing to achieve a trustworthy usage control enforcement process. For this, a suitable system architecture and several remote attestation protocols are designed and implemented. The resulting usage control framework is evaluated using a smart manufacturing application scenario.
Umfang: XV, 379 S.
Preis: 52.00 €
Angesichts der Energiewende in Deutschland, stehen Netzbetreiber vor der Herausforderung eine zuverlässige Energieübertragung bereitzustellen. Der Einsatz supraleitender Kabel stellt hierbei eine Alternative für konventionelle Mittel- und Hochspannungstechnik dar. Daher werden in dieser Arbeit unterschiedliche hochtemperatursupraleitende Mehrleiterkonzepte für ein dreiphasiges Mittelspannungskabel untersucht. Ziel ist ein kompaktes Kabeldesign bei geringen elektrischen Verlusten.
Given the energy transistion in Germany, network operators face the challenge of providing reliable energy transmission. The use of superconducting cables represents an alternative for conventional medium- and high-voltage technology. Therefore, this work investigates various high-temperature superconducting multi-conductor concepts for a three-phase medium-voltage cable, aiming to achieve a compact cable design with low electrical losses.
Umfang: VIII, 192 S.
Preis: 50.00 €