ISSN 2511-6312
This work proposes a passivity-based framework for the decentralized stabilization of networked energy systems. Its key innovation are equilibrium-independent, passivity-based conditions for modularly inferring asymptotic stability. The framework allows for topology-independent, flexible system configurations in a plug-and-play fashion and extends to other control solutions and technologies, enabling holistic system and control approaches for networked multi-energy systems.
Umfang: VIII, 219 S.
Preis: 45.00 €
Eine grundlegende Anforderung an künftige automatisierte Fahrzeuge besteht darin, dass Absätze und andere Fahrbahnunebenheiten sicher, zuverlässig und präzise überfahren werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Konzept für eine modellbasierte, prädiktive Längsdynamikregelung entwickelt und in der Praxis demonstriert, wie die Kenntnis über das vorausliegende Fahrbahnprofil genutzt werden kann, um sowohl die Regelgüte zu steigern als auch die für den Fahrkomfort bedeutsamen Größen zu verbessern.
A fundamental requirement for future automated vehicles is that curbs and other bumps in the road can be driven over safely, reliably and accurately. This work presents a concept for a model-based, predictive longitudinal vehicle dynamics control. It demonstrates in practice how the knowledge of the road profile ahead can be used to both increase the control performance and improve the driving comfort.
Umfang: CVI, 123 S.
Preis: 44.00 €
This work focuses on the Limited Information Shared Control and its controller design using potential games. Through the developed systematic controller design, the experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of this concept compared to traditional manual and non-cooperative control approaches in the application of large vehicle manipulators.
Umfang: XC, 146 S.
Preis: 53.00 €
Der Entwurf von Ansätzen zur marktbasierten Betriebsführung zukünftiger Energienetze steht vor der technischen Herausforderung, eine enorme Anzahl von Netzteilnehmern zeitlich und örtlich zu koordinieren, um Erzeugung und Verbrauch auszugleichen und einen sicheren Netzbetrieb zu ermöglichen. Um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen entstand das Forschungsfeld der Transactive Control Ansätze. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuer Transactive Control Ansatz für gekoppelte Strom- und Wärmenetze vorgestellt.
The design of approaches for future market-based energy network operation faces the technical challenge of needing to coordinate a vast number of network participants spatially and temporally, in order to balance energy supply and demand, while achieving secure network operation. To meet this challenge, the research field of transactive control emerged. Within this work a new transactive control approach for coupled electric power and district heating networks is presented.
Umfang: XLIX, 161 S.
Preis: 54.00 €
Reinforcement Learning is a promising tool to automate controller tuning. However, significant extensions are required for real-world applications to enable fast and robust learning. This work proposes several additions to the state of the art and proves their capability in a series of real world experiments.
Umfang: LVII, 86 S.
Preis: 44.00 €
Effective heat transport systems in aerospace are based on multiphase loop heat pipes (LHPs). For a precise thermal control of the electronics, electrical heaters are additionally used to control the operating temperature of the LHP. This work focusses on the dynamical modeling and model-based control design for LHP-based heat transport systems. The results of this work can be used for the optimization of current control parameters and the efficient control design for future LHP applications.
Umfang: XLIV, 210 S.
Preis: 58.00 €
In diesem Werk werden erstmals zeitdiskrete und zeitkontinuierliche Methoden präsentiert und analysiert, um flexible Solltrajektoriendarstellungen in Adaptive-Dynamic-Programming-Ansätze zu integrieren. Zudem werden theoretische Bedingungen an den Systemzustand hergeleitet, die eine zentrale Anregungseigenschaft für die Konvergenz der Adaption sicherstellen. Reale Anwendungen der vorgestellten adaptiven optimalen Trajektorienfolgeregelungsmethoden offenbaren das Potenzial dieser Ansätze.
In this work, discrete-time and continuous-time methods that integrate flexible reference trajectory representations into Adaptive Dynamic Programming approaches are presented and analyzed for the first time. Moreover, theoretical conditions on the system state are derived that ensure the persistent excitation property, which is crucial for the convergence of the adaptation. Real-world applications of the presented adaptive optimal trajectory tracking control methods reveal their potential.
Umfang: xxi, 213 S., LVII
Preis: 58.00 €
The research reported in this thesis focuses on the decision making aspect of human-machine cooperation and reveals new insights from theoretical modeling to experimental evaluations: Two mathematical behavior models of two emancipated cooperation partners in a cooperative decision making process are introduced. The model-based automation designs are experimentally evaluated and thereby demonstrate their benefits compared to state-of-the-art approaches.
Umfang: xvii, 171 S., XLIX
Preis: 54.00 €
This work presents a real-time dynamic pricing framework for future electricity markets. Deduced by first-principles analysis of physical, economic, and communication constraints within the power system, the proposed feedback control mechanism ensures both closed-loop system stability and economic efficiency at any given time. The resulting price signals are able to incentivize competitive market participants to eliminate spatio-temporal shortages in power supply quickly and purposively.
Umfang: LXXXVIII, 185 S.
Preis: 53.00 €
Die Elektrifizierung und Automatisierung von Fahrzeugen fördern Innovationen der gesamten Fahrzeugarchitektur. Werden radselektiv gelenkte und angetriebene Fahrzeuge betrachtet, können Herausforderungen urbaner Regionen begegnet werden. Um diese Entwicklungen mit dem alternativen Fahrzeugkonzept zu kombinieren, wird ein optimales Fahrwerk gestaltet. Die Topologie-Optimierung einer virtuellen Radaufhängung erfolgt im Zusammenspiel mit einer durchgängigen, optimalen Fahrzeugführungsregelung.
The electrification and automation of passenger vehicles promote innovations of the entire vehicle architecture. If wheel-selective steered and driven vehicles are considered, challenges of urban regions can be met. In order to combine these development priorities with the alternative vehicle concept, an optimal suspension is designed for the vehicle concept. The topology optimization of a virtual wheel suspension takes place in interaction with a continuous, optimal dynamics vehicle control.
Umfang: LXVII, 167 S.
Preis: 59.00 €