ISSN 2363-4936
This work is about the inverse dynamics of underactuated flexible mechanical systems governed by quasi-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations subjected to time-varying Dirichlet boundary conditions that are enforced by unknown, spatially disjunct, hence non-collocated Neumann boundary conditions.
Umfang: VII, 152 S.
Preis: 33.00 €
Proposed in the early 1990s, the enhanced assumed strain (EAS) method is one of the probably most successful mixed finite element methods for solid mechanics. This cumulative dissertation gives a comprehensive overview of previous publications on that method and covers recent improvements for EAS elements. In particular, we describe three key issues of standard EAS elements and develop corresponding solutions.
Umfang: X, 195 S.
Preis: 48.00 €
This work proposes a new numerical approach for analyzing the behavior of fiber-reinforced materials, which have gained popularity in various applications. The approach combines theories and methods to model the fracture behavior of the polymeric matrix and the embedded fibers separately, and includes a modified plasticity model that considers the temperature-dependent growth of voids. Tests are conducted to explore different types and sequences of failure in long fiber-reinforced polymers.
Umfang: XV, 146 S.
Preis: 53.00 €
The present work deals with the characterisation and multi-scale modelling of the large-strain response of ternary polymer blends. In a homogenised constitutive modelling approach, particularly the deformation behaviour featuring plastic dilatancy is investigated. Concerning the micromechanical modelling, constitutive models are proposed for the blends' individual phases and compared regarding their capabilities to capture the composition-dependent fracture toughness in unit cell models.
Umfang: X, 216 S.
Preis: 57.00 €
The present work addresses the design of structure-preserving numerical methods that emanate from the general equation for non-equilibrium reversible-irreversible coupling (GENERIC) formalism. Novel energy-momentum (EM) consistent time-stepping schemes in the realm of molecular dynamics are proposed. Moreover, the GENERIC-based structure-preserving numerical methods are extended to the context of large-strain thermoelasticity and thermo-viscoelasticity.
Umfang: XVII, 207 S.
Preis: 51.00 €
The present work deals with the design of structure-preserving numerical methods in the field of nonlinear elastodynamics with an extension to multi-field problems. A new approach to the design of energy-momentum (EM) consistent time-stepping schemes for nonlinear elastodynamics is proposed. Moreover, we extend the formalism to multi-field problems.
Umfang: XV, 187 S.
Preis: €46.00 | £42.00 | $81.00
In dieser Arbeit wird crazing bei amorphen thermoplastischen Kunststoffen untersucht. Experimente an einem ABS- Kunststoff werden genutzt, um das Deformations- und Schädigungsverhalten zu charakterisieren. Ein homogenisiertes Materialmodel für verteiltes Crazing wurde entwickelt. Simulationen von mikroskopischen Risswachstum und der Vergleich mit Experimenten werden verwendet, um die plastische Zone an einer Rissspitze und das Risswachstum zu untersuchen.
In this work crazing in amorphous thermoplastics is investigated. Experiments on an ABS-material are used to characterize the deformation and fracture behavior. A homogenized material model for distributed crazing is developed. Simulation of macroscopic crack growth and the comparison with experiments are used to investigate the plastic zone at the crack tip and the fracture behavior.
Umfang: XI, 105 S.
Preis: €44.00 | £40.00 | $77.00
The present work deals with the inverse dynamics simulation of underactuated multibody systems. In particular, the study focuses on solving trajectory tracking control problems of differentially flat underactuated systems. The use of servo constraints provides an approach to formulate trajectory tracking control problems of underacutated systems, which are also called underactuated servo constraint problems.
Umfang: XVII, 224 S.
Preis: €49.00 | £45.00 | $86.00
The present work deals with multi-field contact problems in the context of IGA. In particular, a thermomechanical as well as a fracture mechanical system is considered, where novel formulations are introduced for both. The corresponding discrete contact formulations are based on a variationally consistent mortar approach adapted for NURBS discretized and hierarchical refined surfaces. Finally, the capabilities of the proposed framework are demonstrated within numerous numerical examples.
Umfang: XIII, 120 S.
Preis: €45.00 | £41.00 | $79.00
This book deals with the development of constitutive models for the mechanical behavior of amorphous thermoplastic polymers at large strains. A special emphasis lies on the temperature dependency so that the altered material behavior at high temperatures can be considered. To implement the developed constitutive models the software tool AceGen is used by which program code is generated and optimized as well as derivatives are calculated automatically.
Umfang: XX, 184 S.
Preis: €50.00 | £46.00 | $88.00